Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. Today, I will be saying goodbye to you, and this is going to be the last post I share. But before that, let me go through what I experienced throughout the whole semester. I used to think that using a smart board in the classroom would be enough to integrate technology into language teaching. In other words, I wasn't aware that language teaching with technology is not composed of only listening to foreign music, or doing an online activity with the teacher. I knew that today's technology provided a number of benefits to language learning, but I didn't know how to use it efficiently or how to take advantage of it. This course, educational technologies, has taught me how to sufficiently integrate technology into language learning.
While doing the given tasks, there were times I hated them, and also, there were times that I enjoyed them completely and had a lot of fun in the process. My favorite task is reviewing a film review. It was the most enjoyable task for me as I did it with my friend. I think collaborative working makes it easier to carry out the task and you learn from your pair. It may not work out for introverted students as much, but it is worth giving a try. Also, I could say that my least favorite is creating a Padlet wall. I learned a lot from the task and it was pretty educational, but somehow I did not enjoy doing it. No matter what, I am grateful for taking this course as it helped me understand that technology is now an inseparable part of education and we cannot go on with the traditional teaching methods. We need to keep up with the advancements of the world to become good teachers for our students.
For the improvement of the course, I could say adding more tools with more affordances, however, it may not challenge students as much as it does right now, so I think the course is good as the way it is.
Thank you for all your time you spent reading my posts. I hope you enjoyed following my journey. Take care and who knows, maybe I'll see you soon!